Graduation Cupcakes

26 July 2013

I made my family these cute cupcakes when they all came over to celebrate my graduation last week.The cupcakes are my very naughty Chocolate and Peanut Butter cupcakes which I posted the recipe for here and the little mortar boards I made by adapting a couple of recipes I'd found online when I searched for graduation cupcakes.

Basically they're a mini Reeses peanut butter cup with a square of Lindt milk chocolate on top (glued with a little blob of chocolate icing). Then on top of the square is two little strawberry laces and a mini smartie, also glued with chocolate icing.The combination of all that chocolate and peanut butter made for quite a meal and some people made the sensible choice of eating them in two sittings haha!

What do you think? I think they look great in my new cake stand which I just can't bear to put away so is permanently sat on our kitchen table! I'm thinking of putting something decorative inside in between baking sessions - maybe some plastic flowers or something? The cake stand was a graduation present from my Mum and Dad and is by Jasper Conran at Debenhams - it's so sturdy, I can definitely recommend it!


  1. well done of graduating!
    and how amazing are those cupcakes XD
    you should start a business
    i graduate 2015. book me in ;)

    Victoria Sanusi - Just Writing

  2. Congratulations! These look so tasty! Very great idea for graduation cupcakes xx

    Justine | BRIGHTON DREAM

  3. Congratulations! they look yummy! love your blog by the way - may have to return here to stalk you more!


    Style StreetStalker A Street Style Blog

  4. You have such a lovely blog! I hope you return to blogging soon, your posts are fab

    Kirsty Rockit Style

  5. These are so good! you are very talented x

    It would be great if we could follow each other!

    I am now following you on GFC and would love for you to follow me back!!


