Graduation Cupcakes

26 July 2013

I made my family these cute cupcakes when they all came over to celebrate my graduation last week.The cupcakes are my very naughty Chocolate and Peanut Butter cupcakes which I posted the recipe for here and the little mortar boards I made by adapting a couple of recipes I'd found online when I searched for graduation cupcakes.

Basically they're a mini Reeses peanut butter cup with a square of Lindt milk chocolate on top (glued with a little blob of chocolate icing). Then on top of the square is two little strawberry laces and a mini smartie, also glued with chocolate icing.The combination of all that chocolate and peanut butter made for quite a meal and some people made the sensible choice of eating them in two sittings haha!

What do you think? I think they look great in my new cake stand which I just can't bear to put away so is permanently sat on our kitchen table! I'm thinking of putting something decorative inside in between baking sessions - maybe some plastic flowers or something? The cake stand was a graduation present from my Mum and Dad and is by Jasper Conran at Debenhams - it's so sturdy, I can definitely recommend it!

Class of 2013

25 July 2013

Say cheese!

 Obligatory Paternoster lift shot since my university has one of the very few remaining ones in the world.

Getting an amazing view from the top of the Arts Tower. 

Woohoo I finally graduated! I can't believe I actually made it. About 20 months ago now I dropped out of university and couldn't imagine myself ever getting my degree so to be walking across that stage in my robes was such a proud moment for me and for my family - I couldn't have done it without them!

So now I'm no longer studying, I suddenly have nothing to do... Obviously I'm spending a lot of time looking for and applying for jobs (honestly...!) but I also have the time to spend on my hobbies again and this blog is one of them. So I have a few ideas for posts lined up. I was planning to do a Glastonbury post but my camera broke while we were there and I didn't want to drain my phone battery so I barely took any - gutted! I'll definitely be going back next year though - it was amazing!

Ooh something else exciting too - since I finished university I've started wedding planning! We're thinking about January 2015 (yes January - we're crackers!) which gives us just under 18 months to plan - needless to say I'm spending a lot of time on pinterest!

So I'm sure there'll be a few wedding inspiration posts very soon :)