I can't stop wearing leggings at the moment. I used to be a skirt and dresses girl, I barely ever wore trousers. Whilst I'm still not a big jeans fan, leggings are definitely taking over my wardrobe. And not boring black ones, the more unusual the pattern the better.
1. Miss Selfridge Barbie Printed Leggings - £28. I walked past these in the Miss Selfridge store yesterday and had a head-turning moment. I can't decide how I feel about these - it's like a combination of awe and dismay! If they were half the price I'd definitely buy them, even if just to wear around the house!
2. Black Milk Cloud Print Leggings - $75 AUD. These are so beautiful - I think they'd look amazing with an oversized white t-shirt and shades in the Summer.
3. Black Milk Hills of Gondor Leggings - $85 AUD. I'm definitely going to be showing these to Alex, maybe he'll love them so much and buy them for me?
Have you bought any Black Milk leggings yet? I'm not sure if I can justify the price but I've heard the quality is amazing.
20 random facts about me
28 January 2013
I've seen a few youtubers do this tag and loved reading Becky's over at Milk Bubble Tea so I thought I'd join in.
1. I'm allergic to wasps and have a massive fear of them. I once tipped a glass of wine down myself when a wasp landed on me! I've been stung twice and both times my leg has swollen so bad I couldn't walk for days - it's agonising and is the one thing I hate about summer :(
2. I've been with my fiance for 5 1/2 years, we got engaged and moved in together when I was 19 and he was 20. I know a lot of people thought we were too young but he's my best friend and I can't imagine living with anyone else.
3. I study English Language and Linguistics and am in my final year but wish I'd studied something else.
4. I can touch my nose with my tongue.
5. I have braces and they won't be coming off til Autumn 2014 when I'll be 23, nearly 24!
6. My favourite colour is pink.
7. I love the ballet even though I gave it up when I was 5 and can't dance for toffee.
8. I'm totally addicted to diet coke and drink several litres per day. I drink it through a straw now I have braces, I was meant to be giving it up but I can't!
9. I don't like tea or coffee or any hot drinks. Diet Coke and Squash is all I drink.
10. Even though I don't drink coffee I love anything coffee flavoured especially coffee cake.
11. Cats are my favourite animal and I can't wait to get a Ragdoll kitten or two when we buy our own house.
12. I'm pretty squeamish and often faint with blood-tests and injections.
13. I've had 3 operations under anaesthetic, a tonsillectomy and two dental operations.
14. I only have one sibling, my brother who is 6 years older than me. Growing up we hated eachother but since I became old enough to buy him a drink we've gotten much closer!
15. I have no idea what I want to be when I "grow up". I have lots of ideas - my favourite at the moment being an events coordinator, or more specifically a wedding planner!
16. I love festivals but hate paying the ticket price so volunteer with Oxfam instead. Really hoping I get onto Glastonbury this year!
17. I've never liked my freckles, when I was younger I used to put lemon juice on them because I heard it would fade them!
18. I'm quite musical on the quiet, I have grade 5 piano, grade 4 drum-kit (yes!) and grade 1 singing. I still love singing and keep meaning to join a local choir.
19. I wear makeup everyday and never go out the house without it on unless I'm going for a run in the dark!
20. I don't go on holiday anywhere near as much as I'd like. In 5 1/2 years I've been abroad with my fiancé once and twice without him. We're hoping to go somewhere hot this summer.
Hope you enjoyed my facts, let me know if you've done a similar post - I love noseying into other peoples lives!
1. I'm allergic to wasps and have a massive fear of them. I once tipped a glass of wine down myself when a wasp landed on me! I've been stung twice and both times my leg has swollen so bad I couldn't walk for days - it's agonising and is the one thing I hate about summer :(
2. I've been with my fiance for 5 1/2 years, we got engaged and moved in together when I was 19 and he was 20. I know a lot of people thought we were too young but he's my best friend and I can't imagine living with anyone else.
3. I study English Language and Linguistics and am in my final year but wish I'd studied something else.
4. I can touch my nose with my tongue.
5. I have braces and they won't be coming off til Autumn 2014 when I'll be 23, nearly 24!
6. My favourite colour is pink.
7. I love the ballet even though I gave it up when I was 5 and can't dance for toffee.
8. I'm totally addicted to diet coke and drink several litres per day. I drink it through a straw now I have braces, I was meant to be giving it up but I can't!
9. I don't like tea or coffee or any hot drinks. Diet Coke and Squash is all I drink.
10. Even though I don't drink coffee I love anything coffee flavoured especially coffee cake.
11. Cats are my favourite animal and I can't wait to get a Ragdoll kitten or two when we buy our own house.
12. I'm pretty squeamish and often faint with blood-tests and injections.
13. I've had 3 operations under anaesthetic, a tonsillectomy and two dental operations.
14. I only have one sibling, my brother who is 6 years older than me. Growing up we hated eachother but since I became old enough to buy him a drink we've gotten much closer!
15. I have no idea what I want to be when I "grow up". I have lots of ideas - my favourite at the moment being an events coordinator, or more specifically a wedding planner!
16. I love festivals but hate paying the ticket price so volunteer with Oxfam instead. Really hoping I get onto Glastonbury this year!
17. I've never liked my freckles, when I was younger I used to put lemon juice on them because I heard it would fade them!
18. I'm quite musical on the quiet, I have grade 5 piano, grade 4 drum-kit (yes!) and grade 1 singing. I still love singing and keep meaning to join a local choir.
19. I wear makeup everyday and never go out the house without it on unless I'm going for a run in the dark!
20. I don't go on holiday anywhere near as much as I'd like. In 5 1/2 years I've been abroad with my fiancé once and twice without him. We're hoping to go somewhere hot this summer.
Me when I was 4 - I've always loved a tutu.
Hope you enjoyed my facts, let me know if you've done a similar post - I love noseying into other peoples lives!
Sunday Summary #1
27 January 2013
I'm trying to get back into the habit of weekly posts. I think I'm going to do a weekly weigh-in every Friday, a "What I ate Wednesday" because I enjoy reading those and a Sunday Summary.
This week's been pretty boring, I finished my essays and relaxed a bit then proceeded to begin operation clean house! I accomplished the ground floor, two floors to go! That makes it sound like a huge house.. it's not really, I'm just a lazy cleaner.
As pretty as the snow was I was so glad to see it had melted this morning. I'd really missed running and driving so I made sure to do both today!
I have one more week to relax then the new semester begins which I'm already having anxiety dreams about. Last night I dreamt I was going back to college instead and I was 5 years older than all the 16 years olds there and felt *so* old. Weird!
I'll leave you with some pictures of me frolicking in the snow yesterday, we had some fun with the proper camera today rather than just the usual iphones.
This week's been pretty boring, I finished my essays and relaxed a bit then proceeded to begin operation clean house! I accomplished the ground floor, two floors to go! That makes it sound like a huge house.. it's not really, I'm just a lazy cleaner.
As pretty as the snow was I was so glad to see it had melted this morning. I'd really missed running and driving so I made sure to do both today!
I have one more week to relax then the new semester begins which I'm already having anxiety dreams about. Last night I dreamt I was going back to college instead and I was 5 years older than all the 16 years olds there and felt *so* old. Weird!
I'll leave you with some pictures of me frolicking in the snow yesterday, we had some fun with the proper camera today rather than just the usual iphones.
Weekend Ootd
26 January 2013
I thought I'd put a little outfit together with a few of the items from my recent haul posts. You'll have to excuse the photos in the mirror, I do have a tripod and remote and the perfect place to take outfit photos but that room has become a major dumping ground and needs a little sort-out :) Why is that no matter how many rooms you have in a house there's always one room that is a constant dumping ground? Does anyone else do that?
Jumper: New Look
Disco Pants: Glamorous
Necklace: Ever Ours
Watch: River Island
Bangle: Disney Couture
Spike Bracelet: Ever Ours
I wore this outfit for a trip to Meadowhall for a spot of shopping, pizza and a film with a friend.
Weekly Weigh in #1
25 January 2013
I thought I'd start doing a weekly weigh in. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea but I think it'll help me be accountable! I have about 19lbs to lose before Summer hopefully and I'm of course upping the exercise in order to tone up :)
Last week I had an awesome week and lost 4.5lbs but this week I took a step back and focused on my essays which meant lots of study snacks. Then a meal out to celebrate them being in, of course. So this week I've gained 0.25lbs which is nothing really and I know I will do better next week.
I thought I'd post a few photos of the meals/snacks I've been enjoying as part of a healthier diet.
Apple and peanut butter - 130kcals.
Green Thai Curry with 2.5 portions of veg - 380kcals
Chicken Burger Panini with Salad and Coleslaw - 380kcals
Our attempt at Wagama's Chicken Katsu Curry - Chicken Nuggets and Curry Sauce!
450kcals compared to 1100 at Wagamamas.
Have you got any weightloss goals for the Summer?
New Look Haul
Oh yes, it's another haul from me. My only excuse is I needed some retail therapy after the stress of deadlines recently! I actually ordered a lot more than this from New Look but, as always, a few things had to go back including a skirt that looked like a bin liner and a faux fur waistcoat that Alex said made me look like a Gorilla! I don't always listen to his opinions on fashion as often he doesn't have a clue but this time he was definitely right!
I actually bought 3 crop tops from New Look (one isn't featured as it's boring and black). I must've had my holiday head on when I put the order in as it definitely isn't crop top weather at the moment!
I actually bought 3 crop tops from New Look (one isn't featured as it's boring and black). I must've had my holiday head on when I put the order in as it definitely isn't crop top weather at the moment!
I don't normally go for slogans or fringing but this just screamed festival and we're hoping to go to Glastonbury this year so I'll probably wear it then.
Rose Print Bra and Knickers - £9.99 and £2.99
I have an obsession with anything rose printed (as you can probably tell from my blog background), I have done for years now so I couldn't resist this underwear set.
Cream Knitted Jumper - £19.99
The half sleeves on this jumper make it perfect for Spring.
White Skater Skirt - £16.99
How cute is this skirt? I can't wait to wear it with bare legs in the summer.
Horse Print Crop Top - £7.99
This is actually from the Teens section but I bought it in 12-13years and it's plenty big. I'm starting to shop in the teens section more these days, it's cheaper and fits fine so why not? Maybe my style should be a bit more mature but I don't care haha.
I went off New Look for a little while but recently, whenever I go in or look online I find loads of things I like. I don't know if it's them or me that has changed but I'm not complaining.
What do you think of New Look?
Ever Ours Haul
24 January 2013
After seeing Katy from Little Winter in a beautiful pleated dress from Ever Ours I headed over there to see what they had to offer. And I couldn't believe my eyes as there was an awesome sale to be enjoyed! Here's my little haul of dresses and jewellery.
I was a bit concerned that the dresses were one size only but they fit perfectly and I particularly like the pleated one. I think I got some good bargains, I might keep some of the jewellery for gifts, especially the globe and binoculars one and the bunting one as, although they're cute, I can't see me wearing them.
The whole order only came to £18.50 for 2 dresses, 4 necklaces and a bracelet!
Have you got your hands on any bargains this month?
Pink Pleated Dress - £5
White Collar Dress - £5 (Sold Out)
Bunting Necklace - £1
Globe Necklace - £3
Gold Spike Bracelet - £2.50
Gold Collar Necklace - £1
I was a bit concerned that the dresses were one size only but they fit perfectly and I particularly like the pleated one. I think I got some good bargains, I might keep some of the jewellery for gifts, especially the globe and binoculars one and the bunting one as, although they're cute, I can't see me wearing them.
The whole order only came to £18.50 for 2 dresses, 4 necklaces and a bracelet!
Have you got your hands on any bargains this month?
Life Update
21 January 2013
Phew! Today was the day I handed in my final assessments for the first semester of final year. Final year is not easy going, let me tell you. I could not be happier to have 2 weeks of being uni-free ahead of me before the final semester begins. Already dreaming of graduation outfits - roll on July!
Sadly, organisation is not my strong suit, otherwise I might have managed a bit of multi-tasking and been able to coordinate blogging with studying. Sorry guys. Next semester maybe I'll be a bit more on top of things!
So I thought I'd start up my blog again with a few photos of what I've been upto these last few weeks that wasn't studying.
Sadly, organisation is not my strong suit, otherwise I might have managed a bit of multi-tasking and been able to coordinate blogging with studying. Sorry guys. Next semester maybe I'll be a bit more on top of things!
So I thought I'd start up my blog again with a few photos of what I've been upto these last few weeks that wasn't studying.
I turned 22. I share a birthday week with my Mum and my Grandma so we shared a yummy chocolate tart - can you see all our ages?
I beat my Dad at parkrun for the third time, pretty sure it isn't a fluke anymore hoorah!
Made time for walks in the snow
I've already got a list as long as my arm for the things I want to do and enjoy over the next 2 weeks but for now I'm cosied up on the sofa with the fiancé and a spot of telly.
Blog Makeover
9 January 2013
So my blog is having a little bit of a makeover at the moment! As you can see I have a beautiful new layout - designed by the amazing Gillian.
It still needs a bit of work so bear with me but I'm so pleased with how it's looking.
It still needs a bit of work so bear with me but I'm so pleased with how it's looking.
My 2013 Resolutions
3 January 2013
My man and I at Edinburgh Street Party on New Years Eve.
Well Hello there strangers. You may (or may not) have noticed I've been missing these past few months. Blogging has taken a backseat whilst I concentrate on the hell that is final year. It's essay season so I'm spending all my time resisting writing "I hate my course, I hate my course" 1500 times to make up my 3000 word count. Bleurgh. Bring on June 2013! At this point I will genuinely be pleased with anything above a third, my time spent at university has been the best and worst time of my life and I'm so ready for a change.
So in the mean time, expect sporadic posts but believe me when I say that blogging will certainly feature in my post-graduate life!
Resolutions are something I do every year without fail. I know some people don't see the point but I'm a strong believer in fresh starts and making new goals and what better time to do that than a brand spanking New Year. I may not always complete my goals but just writing them down helps me feel I'm one step closer to acheiving them.
1. Get to my goal weight and maintain it... forever... Yep you'll see this resolution on pretty much everybodies' list but I know that 2013 is the year I will finally get there. I've already lost 3 1/2 stone and gone from a size 16 to a size 10 but I just need one final push to lose the last 1 1/2 stones and hopefully reach a size 8 with a flat stomach to boot.
2. Improve my running This will aid number 1 but there are also some sub-categories to this one (oh do I love lists).
a. Run 10k in <60 minutes
b. Acheive 50 parkruns and get the t-shirt (I've already done 11)
c. Run my first half marathon.
3. Get my degree and be proud whatever the grade. Pretty self-explanatory really.
4. Commit to my blog. This includes posting regularly, learning how to get the most of my DSLR and giving it a makeover.
5. Appreciate my Mr. For he really is the best Mr there is. 5 years together can result in taking eachother for granted but this year I'm going to really make a fuss of him. I'm not an easy fiancée to put up with and I know I could do more to help that. Also, I'd like to be able to make some firmer plans as to when we'll be tying the knot - the ultimate sign of appreciation :)
So there's my 5 goals for 2013 - do any of these feature on your list? Or do you prefer not to make any resolutions?
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