Just thought I'd share a few photos from a baking session the other day. We have this jar of caramel in the cupboard that I think I bought from TK Maxx strangely enough, anyway I thought it'd be really yum as a filling in some chocolate cupcakes - rolo cupcakes!
Luckily the baking session coincided with a night in the pub with Alex's friends so I took most of them in a tin to give to them as they need them more than I do! Didn't stop me having a couple too many though, cupcakes are my ultimate weakness!
My kenwood mixer - a 21st Birthday present
Mmm gooey caramel centre
I've got a bit lazy with baking recently, I only seem to bake cupcakes and usually just chocolate, vanilla or coffee flavour. I want to be more imaginative and improve my decorating skills!
What are your go-to baking recipes?